NEW! Reach the growing Asian music market with the largest digital music subscription service in the Asia region.
Listeners can stream over 10 million music tracks from over 500 major and local music labels and publishers, both online and offline.
Strength: Local focus. Zero-in on the music market in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong & Macau, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.
Store type: Downloads, Streaming
KKBox is the leading provider of digital music subscription services in the Asia region, featuring over 10 million music tracks from over 500 major and local music labels and publishers. It also hosts the largest Chinese music library in the world. KKBox offers unlimited and ondemand music; with a single monthly subscription fee, subscribers can stream music online and cache songs on their PCs and smartphones for offline access.
Go Live Time
It takes 35 business days for content to go live in KKBox.
KKBox Territories (Where Music Sells)
KKBox is available in Brunei, Hong Kong & Macau, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand.
How KKBox Sells Your Music
Does KKBox sell your music via?
YES* | YES |
*Downloads are only available in Taiwan
Pay Rate (How Much KKBox Pays You)
Paid Streams: When a subscriber streams your music, you get paid a proportionate share of KKBox’s subscription revenue per month calculated on terms set out in SoundLegends’s blanket agreement with the store (this usually excludes streams during a subscriber’s free trial). Payments will fluctuate each month, depending on the amount of subscription revenue generated and how often your music was streamed.
Paid Downloads: Downloads are available only in Taiwan through KKBox. Payouts are based on territory specific rates, so for songs downloaded individually you will be paid the wholesale price of KKBox’s retail price calculated on terms set out in SoundLegends’s blanket agreement with the store.
We’ve built our Sound Legends to get songwriters (the person or entity that controls the copyright to the lyrics and melody of the composition) all their royalties from sales and use of their compositions around the world. To learn more about the additional separate royalties you earn as a Songwriter, see our Publishing Administration Help section.